Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Music Magazine Analysis.

Front Page :

This magazine again has all the main and real conventions. It has a Mast Head, Main Image, Sell Lines, Strap Line and Smaller Images.

The mast head “KERRANG” is made to look like it has been broken and this shows to the audience that it is an active Genre. If the mast head was all together it would show that it is normal, even thought it is not. A lot of the band and solo artists jump around and shout. The cracks in the mast head may also suggest that a band has been jumping and hit it with an instrument which have made it crack, this looks good.

Kerrang are a well known magazine this is why their mast head can be slightly covered the same as “Q”. These magazines are in the same target audience and price. They also have some similarities and two big differences which are, the colours used and the Genre of music that is mainly shown to the audience.

The main image on this magazine shows that the band member from Green Day works hard on his music as he looks tired and has his Guitar with him in the image. The colours on this magazine also show that the magazine is not all dark and dull. The colours that are usually used are Black and Red. This issue shows there is a lighter side as it has a light blue/grey as the background.

The magazine has many sell lines and these all show what is in the magazine and what the buyers can read about. This magazine also has two small images as an EAR. The EAR on this magazine is showing the pull out from page 8. The strap line also explains this. The barcode and issue number are also on the front page this is so that when it is picked up off the shelf it is easy to see the price.

There are a few sell lines on this magazine and this is to attract the audiences attention. All the sell lines are written in the same text style, this is for consistency. Each sell line has its own font colour and they all have a different coloured square behind the text, this helps them stand out. At the bottom of the front cover it has another sell line and so this one stands out it has the word “PLUS!” this is in a different font, different colour and different background colour.

Contents Page:

This is the contents page of a 'Kerrang' magazine. The colour scheme runs straight through the magazine and they keep the same font which develops brand identity.

The right column contains listings of what is inside, to give the reader an insight int what they are potentially buying. This successfully attracts the target audience as it is easy to comprehend and the bright yellow and black colours contrast, stand out from the white background on the page, furthermore drawing attention to the magazine.

There are eight pictures positioned tightly together in thirds rule of all the main items that consist in the magazine. A collection of the images on the page use direct mode of address, this grabs the reader’s attention, by the use of the gaze connecting with one another.

All of the pictures used are of musicians or linked to music which enhances the genre of the magazine, also the style of the individuals in the images are identical to the type of music that this magazine caters for - rock. The editors section at the top right hand corner also uses a direct mode of address and 'talks' personally to the reader. It welcomes them into the magazine, leaving a positive attitude for the potential buyer and for what is to come in the rest of the publication.

Double Page Spread:

One page is dedicated to an image of either a band/ solo artist or picture from a video clip. The other page contains all text. This is information about the image and why it is on there. The text is all in one continuous style and colour. Some parts have headings to let you know what that paragraph is about. This way the audience and buyers can select which part of the article they want to read if they want to read this article. The main part of this article is also made to stand out, this is done by increasing the size of font and also inputting red speach marks behind the text.

This double page spread also has an EAR, this is to show another clip or main character from the video or band. The image shows that they are not scared and that they want people to know them. This is shown as they are pointing and looking directally into the camera.

Other images on this double page spread are smaller then the main one this is so they dont take all the attention away from the main one. They are also on the page to show other great scenes in the video.

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