Shot 1- Close Up of rain drops down window.
Shot 2- Establishing Shot of girl walking out of park.
Shot 3- Following Shot of girl slowly walking out of shot.
Shot 4- Medium close up on Boy & Girl looking at each other.
Shot 5- Mid Shot of girl swinging head from side to side.
Shot 6- Over the Shoulder Shot of people walking into park and patting girl on shoulder.
Shot 7- Close Up of girl tilting her head and running out of shot.
Shot 8- Establishing Shot of girl running away and towards road & field.
Shot 9- Mid Shot of girl running to camera, (Match on Action).
Shot 10- Point of View shot, girl looks down the road and across to field.
Shot 11- Following Shot of girl running across road.
Shot 12- Establishing Shot of girl walking through trees.
Shot 13- Close Up of girl singing in Studio.
Shot 14- Mid Shot of Girl singing in studio then fading away.
Shot 15- Mid Shot of houses (making it look like girl a passanger in car).
Shot 16- Mid Shot of girl in studio with microphone.
Shot 17- Mid Shot out to Establishing Shot of girl in studio.
Shot 18- Mid Shot of houses( lookin like girl the passanger).
Shot 19- Establishing Shot of girl in corner of studio.
Shot 20- Close Up of girl singing.
Shot 21- Mid Shot of girl in studio.
Shot 22- Mid Shot (previous) twisting into centre of screen.
Shot 23- Establishing Shot of girl walking from around the back of the house.
Shot 24- Over The Shoulder Shot / Establishing Shot of girl walking down street to boy.
Shot 25- Mid Shot of girl walking down street towards boy.
Shot 26- Mid Shot of of girl walking down street to boy.
Shot 27- Establishing Shot of girl walking past houses towards boy, girl with arms out.
Shot 28- Close Up of boy and girl looking in each others eyes.
Shot 29- Close Up of boys face.
Shot 30-Side on Mid Shot of boy and girl looking at eachother.
Shot 31- Side on Mid Shot of boy and girl which zooms out to Establishing Shot as both characters fade.
Shot 32- Mid Shot of houses (looking as thogh girl looking out passanger side of car).
Shot 33- Mid Shot of boy, girl and friends walking down road.
Shot 34- Mid Shot out to Establishing Shot, friends leave couple to walk through field.
Shot 35- Mid Shot of boy & girl on roundabout.
Shot 36- Mid Shot of boy and girl fading to both be girl.
Shot 37- Low Angle Close Up both (girls)fade away.
Shot 38- Fading Focus between main singer and frineds.
Shot 39- Establishing Shot of all people in a semi-circle and singing.
Shot 40- Close Up of water trickling down window.
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