Friday, 30 March 2012

My Digipack

This is my template of my digipack. It is all laid out flat with no CD or DVD positions. However they will be placed within the grey side otherwise they would cover the information and image placed on the back.

This is my digipack folded up. As you can see by the image is has the plastic cases within the pack and this is where the CD and DVD would be placed. This image shows the front cover and the message to fans page. This shows a contuinuous style and through images and through the text.

This is a photo of my digipack from the top. It shows again, clearly where the CD and DVD would be positioned.

The above images are of my final digipack. This has changed in some ways and these are very subtle changes, most can be seen on the flat image at the top. I have moved the disk logos from the front cover to the back page and I have only placed one of these on the back. I have made the barcode smaller and added more songs. The price has been removed this is because I put in UK sale style with a £. This digipack will be sold internatioally and therefore british pricing would not be suitable. The old design is shown in a small image below.

Promotional Campaign Products.

This is my work within iTunes. I have placed it in within the bottom six images to say that it is a "New" album. I have also placed it at the top in the main three boxes and this is to say that it is relesed as an album on Friday 13th of April and it also states that it is available for download.

When I first decided to show my work in iTunes I did the background of the top advertisement a different colour and didnot have as much information. It also stated that the album had been relesed before and the advertisement within the magazine said it was not yet relesed. I have also inserted a smaller image of the front cover of the digipack to show that this is what the advertisement is about. Below is a small image of the old iTunes add.

Old advertisement in iTunes. 2nd box within the top three boxes.

This is my CD design. When my consumers pick up the Digipack this will be inside and this will be the disk that contains all 12 tracks. These 12 tracks are shown on the back of my Digipack.

This is the design for my DVD. This is be within my digipack and this is the disk that contains the music video of "Misguided Ghotst". It is stated on the back of the digipack which song has the music video on the disk. In this case there is only one and this is because I have only created one music video.
With the two disk designs I have changed the image style and added a black to the DVD where the white cleared. The images below show what my origionals where like.

My Music Video

This is the Music Video that I like the most.

It has no effects within the footage no buildings and no colour. The only thing that is included within this video is the footage of people within the fiels and the white lyrics ontop. The reason I like this video is because it is simple effective and drums in the message which the lyrics are trying to get across.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Magazine Advertisement

This is my music magazine advertisement. The bottom half of this image is what i have designed to be placed within a magazine. This will promote the digipack or the album itself.

This image is of my advertisement within a magazine alredy. This will be seen by the millions of customers that buy the magazine and hopefully promote my album. This was all designed within Adobe Photoshop CS5. 

When I first created my music magazine I thought it looked good just as it was. I then did my ancillary questionaires and these gave me ideas as to what I should change. I then changed thes colour of the track list to the same colour as my artists name. I have deleted the full stop after my artists name as it was no where else and this was not showing a continuaty style. I made the "New Album Relese" sound alot more punctual and streight to the point. This image below is what I origionally had as my advertisement.
Old design for magazine advertisement.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Editing & Filming Log

This is my film log and it shows what I have done, editing wise; When I have done it and how long I have spent editing it together. This is clearly shown because it is in columns and it is within the correct ones. I have signed each time to show that it is me that has done the work and therefore I can say it is all mine.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

My Audiance Feedback about Ancillary Texts

To get feedback on my ancillary texts I did a questionaire and presented each extra thing I in front of my audiance. I then gave them a series of 9 questions and asked them to answer these.
The majority of people I gave these questionaires to was people aged 18-21. I mixed the gender because my audiance is not for one specific gender.

Q1) What genre of music is your Favourite?
                The main response to this was indie, pop and acoustic.
Q2) how well did my whole campaign out of 10? 10 being the best.
               My audiance say that my campaigne was an 8.5 out of 10.
Q3) What could be improved within my Music Magazone Advertisement?
               My audiance say the main thing that I should improve upon is the colour of the text. It is all white and this should change to tie in with the add itself.
Q4) What could be improved within my DigiPack?
               My audiance think that the text should be bigger and more songs should be added.
Q5) What should be changed within the iTunes advertisement?
               The consumers of my product say it should be changed to be consecutive with the Magazine advertisement.
Q6) What could be improved within my CD and DVD Design?
                The photos could be made the same style as the images used within otehr promotional products.
Q7) What genre of music do you think my campaign is promoting?
                Many people who did this questionair say that my campaign is promoting an album within the Indie and Pop genre.

Audiance Feedback from Blogger Polls.

When I created my blogger I decided i should do a poll to get my audiences views on what I should create. The results of my poll are:

How Much should my Digipack be?
         The majority said they would pay £15.99 for the pack.
What is your main hobby?
         The majority of my audience say they like Music, either playing of listening to it.
Are you working, working student, student or looking for a job?
       Most of my audience are students and working. This my be why they would be wiling to pay the price specified for the digipack.
What age group are you?
          Most of my audiance is 17-24. I have therefore aimed my ancillary questionnaires at this age group.
What name should I give my artist?
         The majority of my audiance, 60% say I should name her Kaylee.

Monday, 26 March 2012

DVD Design for my new album.

This is the design I have made to be printed onto my DVD. This will be seen by people as they open my Digipack. This DVD will have the music video on which I have created.

CD Design for my album.

This is the design I have made to be printed onto my CD. This will be seen by people as they open my Digipack. This CD will have the album on wich consists of 5 songs.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Health & Safety Considderations.

Step 1_ Looking for any hazards.
My main hazard was the whether. I filmed in snow and therefore there was a hazard. This is because the snow is soft and also very icy. When some one has already stood / walked through the snow it becomes hard and increases the likely hood of some one slipping on it. This could cause a lot of harm to the person slipping and be very painful.

Step 2_ Who might be harmed by the hazard while filming.
My whole cast is at danger of harm. Even me, as the camera operator, was at harm. This is because any one any where could have stood on ice of tripped on something under the snow. At some stages of filming, the tripod was on un-even leg heights because the snow was uneven and there was things under the snow. Aaron who was my main actor was in a big risk of being harmed because I asked him to run through the snow.

Step 3_ Evaluating the risk.
The severity of the risk taken by me and my actors was not very big. We all knew what we was doing and where at a low risk of very serious harm however, some harm could have arose. To reduce the risk at the source I should have asked my actor to run slow. This would have minimised the risk of him falling, slipping or tripping. However we did not need to do this because he did not fall as we filmed where not many people had been.

Step 4_ Record significant findings.

Step 5_ Review and Revising my risk assesment.
There was no significant change to prevent accidents as the only change I could have made would have been to scoop away the snow or not film in the snow at all. This would have then made a total different feel to the video and this is why I have notified my self of the risk and alerted people within my video of them also.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Music Video with effects

To correct the problem of buildings I re-arranged the clips around this point and just extend some of them to fill the gaps. I also stretched some clips with a tool, located in the side bar near my time line within Adobe Premier Pro1.5. This tool took the timing of the clip and stretched the same section for a longer duration. For example it stretched 5 seconds footage through 8 seconds and slowed the actions down. 

This is my music video with some effects within it. This is because I thought they would add an extra attraction point to the video, this however when I got some people to watch it was not right. The effects did not suite the purpose of the song or match the lyrics. Although some looked good for example I have the work “direction” going in different directions across the page. I have however made this word twice and done the shadows in different directions to replicate the word “directions”.
I think the words of the song have a clear meaning and they get the point across and the lyrics on screen are backing up the meaning of the song. When they are shown on screen the lyrics drum the meaning into peoples heads because they are seen and people think “what did that mean?”
In this video the word “ghost(s)” is in a different colour and a different font this is to show that this is what the person feel like. She is pushed away, her life has changed and she is just a ghost within the midst. The footage also represents this as some one is walking through the fog and snow. The fog adds that ghostliness to the faded figure. The footage of two people holding hands is repeated this also drums the meaning of the song into the viewers head because people the singer loves have pushed her away, it also represents that nothing has changed that is why it is still happening.
The Line stating “don’t need no roads, in fact they follow me” has the lyrics popping up over the ghost like figure walking across screen. They do not cover the character they just pop up around it and this helps keep the eye on the ghost like figure.

The word “them” is echoed with the shadow to show there is more than one which would be them.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


over the last few days and over the days cuming up I am working on my music video. I am finishing off the lyrics and adding some effects to them. I will try to replicate the lyrics with the effects.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

My work in iTunes.

This is a screen shot of iTunes. My song has been mentioned three times within this shot. Once in the top to show the relese of a new single, secondaly to show it has reached the top three and thirdly it shows the album art with a yellow banner stating it is new.

Friday, 2 March 2012

My digipack

This is the inside of my digi Pack. The two circles indicate where the DVD and CD will be placed.

This is the Back front and inside fold of my Digi Pack.