This is my template of my digipack. It is all laid out flat with no CD or DVD positions. However they will be placed within the grey side otherwise they would cover the information and image placed on the back.
This is my digipack folded up. As you can see by the image is has the plastic cases within the pack and this is where the CD and DVD would be placed. This image shows the front cover and the message to fans page. This shows a contuinuous style and through images and through the text.
This is a photo of my digipack from the top. It shows again, clearly where the CD and DVD would be positioned.
The above images are of my final digipack. This has changed in some ways and these are very subtle changes, most can be seen on the flat image at the top. I have moved the disk logos from the front cover to the back page and I have only placed one of these on the back. I have made the barcode smaller and added more songs. The price has been removed this is because I put in UK sale style with a £. This digipack will be sold internatioally and therefore british pricing would not be suitable. The old design is shown in a small image below.